When I first decided to venture into the world of Nigerian Dwarf Goats, I wasn’t really thinking much about their milk (check out my next blog on how a rookie like me figures out the milkin’ game) but more so about getting some sweet little does & doelings to add to the growing menagerie of animals on our little hobby farm. However, as I started to watch videos (and more videos – got a bit obsessed in fact) of these quirky little goats I have to say that I completely fell head over heels. Then I got my own gals and I was totally and “udderly” smitten – sorry for the pun (nah, not sorry – laughter is 100% good for the soul)!
If you love to spend time outdoors in the company of furry clowns that love to be scratched, sit in your lap and nibble your hair like its hay (they don’t eat your hair so it’s not at risk – other than becoming a bit soggy), then get yourself some Nigerian Dwarf Goats.
My recommendation is to buy them as young kids (between 8 – 10 weeks old) and don’t forget these are herd animals so you must buy at least 2 (and then you’ll have 6 before you even know it!). These goats make fabulous barnyard family members, provided you spend time with them to gain their trust and affection. Then you need to build the type of goat-friendly playground that allows them to romp and run as they so love to do! By the way, if you run and jump with them, they go crazy with joy and will play follow the leader (that’s you by the way) all day long.